Kim Breda

Principal Lawyer

Accredited Specialist, Personal Injury

NSW Law Society - Accredited Specialist - Personal Injury

Sydney Compensation Specialists is directed and run by Kim Breda. Kim has practised in Plaintiff personal injury litigation for more than 20 years, and is an Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law as awarded by the NSW Law Society.

Kim spent 15 years as a lawyer in mid to large law firms, always in Plaintiff litigation representing injured people. Kim had the realisation that she could provide top quality legal representation and advice to clients, but without the complications (and large fees) of a large law firm. Kim’s vision is to provide quality legal services on a personal level, with personal and caring style. Kim is dedicated to her clients and always available with a sympathetic ear.

Kim has vast experience in all facets of personal injury litigation including:

  • Civil claims arising from institutional abuse
  • Motor Accidents Claims
  • Liability claims including product liability, occupiers liability, public liability and general negligence claims
  • Medical Negligence claims
  • Compensation to Relatives claims
  • Work Injury Damages claims
  • Professional Negligence

Kim has significant experience in running civil claims arising from institutional abuse. This practice area has grown significantly in recent times due to the Royal Commission into Institutional abuse. Kim has acted for survivors of abuse in claims against the Catholic Church and other religious institutions, Department of Education, Department of Families and Communities (DOCS), children’s homes, day care centres, private schools and various other institutions. This is an area of law which requires very specific legal knowledge, but at the same time requires balance with trauma informed principles. Kim is committed to obtaining the best results for her clients, in a caring, trauma informed way.

Kim has also been accepted as a panel lawyer for the Knowmore organisation. Knowmore was established by, and operates as a separate program of the National Association of Community Legal Centres. It was established in order to assist people navigating and providing information to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Kim has the following memberships and associations:

For more information about the Accredited Specialist program, including the arduous process of gaining accreditation and the ongoing requirements to maintain accreditation, please see the NSW Law Society’s Community page here:

Wendy Lee


Wendy is currently studying a Bachelor of Law & Commerce, majoring in Finance at the University of NSW. She has worked in personal injury law for over a year and has assisted many injured people with their claims. She is skilled in all aspects of case management, legal research, client communication and document preparation. Wendy enjoys being able to help others and employs an empathetic approach towards understanding the needs and challenges of others.

In her spare time, she is found balancing between university studies and sports like yoga and zumba. She loves cooking Korean food when she is free.